Ready for Great Vibes News

A heart-centered professional network that uplifts, empowers, and celebrates YOU! Inspired to Empower our families, communities and businesses.Our Intention ~ To be the expression of our best selves. Our Purpose ~ To raise each other UP with celebration, gratitude, and passion.

It’s All About You!

"WE" began as two friends with a vision—to elevate our business and community. We asked ourselves: How can we make a meaningful impact in an ever-changing world? How can we build strong friendships and business associations that support and empower others? How can we bring insight and value to both individuals and the community as a whole?

Driven by these questions, we invited more professional friends to join us for a luncheon. In just a few months, our initiative grew into something extraordinary:


Join us as we continue to foster connections, inspire growth, and create lasting positive change for everyone involved.

We did it! Together!

Fast forward to today—we have created a vibrant network of friends and influential businesses committed to making a positive impact on our world and navigating the complexities of an ever-changing reality. Through our membership, we offer:

  • Networking Breakfasts: Open to all, these events are perfect for making connections and fostering relationships.

  • Ladies’ Power Lunch: A space dedicated to empowering ourselves and each other.

  • “WE" Magazine: Packed with insights and empowering tips to inspire you.

  • THE EMPOWERED VOICE Videocast: A platform featuring speakers who bring value and education to the community.

Stay Empowered!

Being your best “YOU” is empowering!

© 2024 We Empower Together/JBI Consulting LLC

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